IACAC Conference 2023

We the St. Louis Airport Interfaith Chaplaincy (STAIC) wish to invite the International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplains IACAC to St. Louis, for the 2023 Annual Conference on October 22, 2023, to October 27, 2023.

Our theme will be, “Embracing God in Airport Chaplaincy.”

Our conference speakers will be Rabbi Mark Shook, Professor Shima Rostami, ­­­­­­­­­­­Fr. Thomas McDermott OP, and Fr. Adrian.
We anticipate the cost to be $1000. We are excited and looking forward to serving the IACAC in 2023.

Deacon Jim Martin, President Emeritus
Rev Rodrick Burton, President

IACAC London Conference

19th-23rd September
Conference Theme: “Learning From Adversity – Equipped for a Post Covid Industry

Registrations are still open for online participation in the conference. Do join us online if you are unable to attend in person. The conference program is available online.

Online Attendance – $50US
All registrations and payments should be made through the IACAC website.

Have you or your team used technology in an innovative way during the past couple of years? One of the conference sessions is a time for sharing what has been collectively learnt and how we can benefit from innovation elsewhere.
It would be very helpful to hear from any chaplaincy on how they responded. A short paragraph sent to Steve Buckeridge about the need it met, how it has been effective and any other learning would be great.

IACAC Board Elections

At the 2022 Annual Business meeting to be held in London this September, elections will take place for a new Media Officer. Nominations for the position of Media Officer have been received from Mr Alan Benstock, Manchester and Fr Fabrizio Martello, Milan Linate. Only members who have paid their 2022 membership will be eligible to vote. Proxy voting will be available for any financial member who is unable to attend the conference but wishes to cast their vote.

Details of how to apply for a proxy vote are available from the Secretary.

Nominations were received at the Nairobi Annual Business for the position of President from Mr Martyn Scrimshaw, Melbourne, and for Vice President, from Canon Liz Hughes, London Luton.
As only one nomination was received for each of these positions those nominated are elected unopposed to take office at the end of the London Conference.

President – Mr Martyn Scrimshaw, Melbourne
Vice President – Canon Liz Hughes, London Luton.

Nominations will be received at the September Business Meeting for the position of Treasurer for election at the 2023 Annual Business Meeting. Our present Treasurer, Rev Romeo Dabee, is not seeking reelection.
Please think and pray for someone to nominate for this position.
Perhaps you could be that person.

A date for your diary

Plan now for the 2023 IACAC Annual Conference to be held in St Louis, Missouri, USA. Proposed dates for the St Louis conference are the 23-28th October 2023. Put the date in your diary and we look forward to you being with us in St Louis next year.