Membership of the Association is open to any person engaged in Chaplaincy in Civil Aviation who is interested in furthering the objectives of IACAC and who has paid the annual dues.
All applications for membership or associate membership must be supported by evidence of appointment by a competent authority. Normally, the Church Leader of the person’s denomination shall give accreditation formally in writing. However, at the discretion of the Executive Board, accreditation may be given by the Chairperson of the Chaplaincy Management Body, or by the Senior Chaplain in post at the time of the appointment.
The applicant must clarify the necessary process before the application is submitted.Thus a candidate must submit:
- The Application Form along with the Authorisation/Accreditation Letter.
- The Directory Form, which will be publicly accessible at the Association’s website.
- The Affiliation Fee of USD 50.00 (USD 30.00 for Associate Membership).
All forms along with Affiliation Fee must be submitted to the Treasurer.
Applications for membership shall be confirmed at the Annual Business Meeting by formal election by a majority vote of Active Members.