General characteristics of airport chaplaincy

Researcher’s Introduction

My name is Jilke Veldman and I am a student at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht. I am writing my MA thesis on airport chaplaincy.

The topic of my research is the motivation to become a chaplain at an (international) airport and the ways airport chaplains conduct their work, including how they contact people in need, both travellers and airport personnel, on and around airports, and the support or counselling they provide. This research will provide insight into the use and different forms of presence by airport chaplains.

Your participation is requested because of your experience as an airport chaplain and the support or counselling you provide to people at the airport, both passengers and airport personnel, to see in which way presence is used by airport chaplains. 

An overview:

The study lasts 13 weeks, from March 31, 2023, till June 30, 2023.

If you participate in this study, you will take part in a survey and, if you’d like, a semi structured interview.

A survey:

You will receive a questionnaire by email. Completing the survey takes a maximum of 20 minutes.

You can fill in the questionnaire yourself.

The interview:

This will be an online video-interview.  The interview will last a maximum of 1 hour. If you do not want to answer a question during the interview, you are not required to do so. I will make an audio recording of the conversation.

After the interview you will be sent the transcript and you will have the opportunity to comment on your answers. If you disagree with the transcription, you can ask to have parts of them amended or deleted.

What happens with the results of the study? 

I will share the results with the IACAC so that interested parties can learn about the study.

Full details of the ethical approval, consents and data protection will be provided

If you would like to participate please contact:

Name: Jilke Veldman
