President’s Letter August 2023

Dear Friends and Colleagues

I firstly want to acknowledge the work of our colleagues in St Louis as they prepare for our conference in October.  Now is the time to book as we gather to learn and share together.

We have also had the Board meet with our colleagues in Frankfurt and plans are well advanced for the conference in 2024.  As yet we don’t have an offer for 2025 so if you are interested in hosting please let us know.  We are open as costs increase to consider an online conference in 2025 and then a face to face in 2026.  Please let us know your thoughts.

I don’t know about you, but we certainly seem to be operating in a very different environment.  Lots of new staff and passengers who seem to have very different expectations from a time that seems to have long disappeared.

It is bringing with it pressure and I am seeing staff that are tired and breaking down.

Recent weeks I have had the opportunity to take part in a training session with our Airport Police.  I have facilitated discussion around Vicarious Trauma, Compassion Fatigue and Moral Injury.  I have made myself vulnerable by telling my story and it has led to some amazing discussion with members and a recognition that we are each responsible for our self care. 

The blessing from this is the deepening of relationships as we work together around rough sleepers and those presenting with mental health issues.

I was reminded this week in my own devotions about Matthew 25 and the fact that what we do each day, often going unnoticed, we are actually doing for God and he sees what we do for the least.  I pray for each of you that you may find rest when needed, a chance to recharge and that your chaplaincy may seem to be taken for granted but it does have a huge impact.

Take care my friends, book now for St Louis and I look forward to the chance to see as many as possible face to face.

