Statement regarding the war in Ukraine

In response to the sad events unfolding in Ukraine which are having implications for aviation around the globe, the International Association of Civil Aviation Chaplains calls each of its members, airport chaplains around the world and all of our friends in the aviation industry to earnestly pray and advocate for peace.

From its heroic times of pioneers and through the development of commercial flights, civil aviation’s dream and ambition has always been to bring people together from many parts of the world, from different cultures, religions and faiths. Wars, particularly between nations so close as Russia and Ukraine, bring enmity between neighbours and divides families.

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New Lead Chaplain at LHR

New Lead Anglican Chaplain for Heathrow Airport in partnership with the Diocese of London

The Revd Bruce Rickards was licensed  as the Lead Anglican Chaplain to Heathrow Airport by the Archdeacon of Northolt The Venerable Catherine Pickford on  Friday 10 September.  In an uplifting service, conducted  outside in the Airport chapel garden, there was the formality of the historic Licence and canonical vows interspersed with music provided by the band of the Salvation Army and rousing hymns sung with great enthusiasm. The Archdeacon preached and outlined the vital ministry that Chaplains undertake and how they meet people at their point of need.

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British Isles and Ireland Network BIIACN

The British Isles and Ireland Airport Chaplains Network are proposing to have a virtual (ZOOM) network meeting on Wednesday 19th May – further details and joining instructions will be sent nearer the time. Please note this is a Wednesday not the regular Tuesday slot. It is hoped to facilitate a discussion around rebuilding our airports and in particular Chaplaincy Teams and the presence of chaplains in the airport. International Airport Review is putting on a conference on 5th/6th May entitled “Rebuilding Airports” and this will be used that as a basis for discussions.

The Network was fully established in 1998, although the seeds of its role predate that, with occasional meetings of a few Airport Chaplains in the early 1990’s. As numbers of Chaplaincies grew in the UK and Ireland, so the need for an informal Network was realised.

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European Seminar of Catholic Aviation Chaplains

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic has deliberated the extension, until April 30, 2021, of the state of emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In agreement with Monsignor Michel Gaillard, Secretary General, we have decided to cancel our tenth European Seminar of Catholic Chaplains of Civil Aviation which was to be held in Milan from April 26 to 30, 2021.

Continue reading “European Seminar of Catholic Aviation Chaplains”

IACAC Webinar 3rd of December

Dear friends and colleagues,

We talked about it in June and August, here comes the invitation to the webinar on 3rd December

How to be a relevant airport chaplain in 2021

Webinar on December 3rd  10:00 – 15:30 UTC/GMT

The coronacrisis has had a great impact on our work at the airport. It still does. How do we deal with the changes. What is our role and what can it be? Which ways do we find to stay as relevant as possible?

Grace Davie and Martin Walton will share their thoughts and anlaysis with us. There will be question & answer sessions and short small groups sessions for reflections.


10 – 11.30 UTC Presentation and Q&A by prof. Em. Grace Davie on the sociological specifics of the European secularised context with regards to our current crisis and the effects on chaplaincy work. 

11.30 – 12.30 UTC Lunch break (a Lunch Room on Zoom will be open for those who want to have an online lunch together)

12.30 – 14.30 UTC Introduction by and interactive session with Martin Walton on the theological aspects of chaplaincies in general and the perspective of calling – or role – of airport chaplains in particular

14.30 UTC Bar open (closes at 15.30)

This webinar is primarly destined to European chaplains but all are welcome!

Registrations are open from now till November 30th:


I hope we can see you all on this occasion!


PS: if yo have any technical issue please contact Stephan Pfenninger.

Grace Davie is a British sociologist of religion well known for her works on religion and secularism in Europe. She was a guest speaker at the Global online IACAC conference of October this year. more about Grace Davie

Martin Walton is professor emeritus of spiritual care and chaplaincy studies at the Protestant Theological University, Groningen, The Netherlands. more about Martin Walton