President’s letter April 2023

April 2023

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

I can’t believe how fast time is going by.  Maybe it’s because I am older and I certainly want to make every moment count.

I guess, you, like us in Melbourne seem to be getting busier and busier as the airline industry reconnects the world.

One of the things I am finding that is causing stress amongst staff is the language being used around the Pandemic.  For example, how busy we are in passenger numbers is always being measured against pre pandemic numbers.  What I am finding is this is causing stress to staff especially new staff who have no idea what the airport was like pre pandemic.

I think we should be thinking that pre pandemic was an era.  Then we had the pandemic which wiped out most of our industry for a long time and now we are in a new age, with new staff, new travel expectations from our passengers and so we need to create a new dynamic era based on what is today and into the future.Maybe we can be the catalyst for this discussion and help our industry see a new future as the world reconnects.

I did mean to write this prior to Easter and so I want to acknowledge the celebrations and remembrance many have shared from different faiths through Passover, Easter both Orthodox and Christian and for our Muslim friends, Ramadan. I have taken the time myself to do a real fast from food for twenty one days and not only did I feel detoxed and better but I was able to spend quality time in spiritual reflection and prayer.  It has become a special time which I plan on repeating two or three times through the year.

To each of you I want you to know you are valued and we celebrate the amazing privilege we have to serve our airport communities across the globe.

Ramadan Mubarak

Eternal God of all the generations, we welcome this festival of freedom with joyful hearts. We have assembled together seeking Your presence. As You redeemed our ancestors from the slavery of Egypt and led them to the land of their inheritance, so have You been our Redeemer and Protector throughout the centuries.

And may you know the peace and joy of our risen Lord.

Bless you all


President IACAC

Melbourne Airport