European Seminar of Catholic Aviation Chaplains

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The Council of Ministers of the Italian Republic has deliberated the extension, until April 30, 2021, of the state of emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In agreement with Monsignor Michel Gaillard, Secretary General, we have decided to cancel our tenth European Seminar of Catholic Chaplains of Civil Aviation which was to be held in Milan from April 26 to 30, 2021.

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President’s Letter | January 2021

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

It would be fair to say that 2020 has been a year in which many of the things we took granted have been challenged and, maybe for many, became out of reach. It has been time calling for patience, courage and sacrifice in a way we may not have been asked to do before.  There has been a profound sense of loss in all walks of life. But there has been an up side. There have been opportunities to find new ways of doing things. Who would have thought that so many of us would become so proficient at attending meetings, going to church, socialising and sharing family celebrations through the medium of online apps. Our computers or smart phones have become our best friends.

Our world is shrinking. Within minutes of it happening social media, the press, TV and radio bring graphic details of disasters from all around the world. We are instantly able to share the horrors, the highs and lows of what is happening with those who are suffering. This is clearly illustrated by the constant updates we receive about the spread of the corona virus and the development of vaccines which we can only hope and pray that  will help bring relief from this terrible pandemic.

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News from our chaplaincies

As the chaplains at Newcastle Airport in the UK, Fiona Usher and Alan Meighan were keen to reach out to the staff across the airport. They put together a December Reflection and a small film clip which went out with some suggestions on how to cope with distressing situations. Here are some of them:

“2020   has   been   a  difficult   year   in  so   many ways.  We have suffered with uncertainty, anxiety, isolation and challenges with our financial situation, health or relationships. One thing that can hold us together and help us get through is kindness. Although we can’t change our situation, we can choose to respond to others (and ourselves) with kindness. And when we’re kind, everything goes better. We help others, we help ourselves and we encourage others to be kinder too.

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President’s Letter | December 2020

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The season of giving and receiving is almost upon us. For those of the christian tradition we know this time of the year as Christmas – a time for family, a time for sharing, a time for giving and receiving and a time for caring about each other. Christian chaplains are celebrating at this time the birth of the baby Jesus who comes to us as Emmanuel, God with us on earth. Born, the Prince of Peace.

At some time each year all faith traditions have similar festivals with a strong focus on the importance of giving to and caring for others. December 11th was the start of the Jewish Feast of Chanukah or Hanukah, the eight day festival of light which celebrates the Triumph of Light over Darkness. Earlier in the month on December the 8th, the Buddhists celebrated Bodhi day. Gautama’s attainment of Enlightenment on this day under the Bodhi tree in Bodhgaya, North India.

The pressing need to give to those less fortunate than ourselves has recently been dramatically highlighted for every citizen of the world by the graphic photographs of the victims and survivors of the COVID 19 Pandemic. The world is now a global village and every event is beamed into our homes by satellite, so each of us felt the horror and helplessness of watching the effects the virus has had in every country of the world. Yet the human spirit is indomitable and the will to live incredible. So many acts of kindness, the oh so many attempts to raise the spirits of people are a testament to the determination of each community to rise above the despair so often felt.

IACAC is a Multi Faith Organisation and that brings such a richness to our organisation. We celebrate our unity and honour each other as human beings. As Chaplains, we strive to help all people as they come to worship in our Prayer Rooms and chapels and to fly from our Airports.

As the end of the year approaches and brings with it the festival of Christmas, the Board would like to take this opportunity thank you all for the work you and your team do in your chaplaincies. Your presence in and around the airport helps to give comfort and support to airport workers and travellers alike. Travel for many, especially at this time is very restricted and is very stressful for families unable to be together for the festive season. Sadly some of those travellers are in need of compassion and support.

Yes, the season for giving and receiving is upon us. May this time of goodwill bring peace, joy and happiness to you and comfort to all those in need of the gift of hope.

Rev Pierre de Mareuil

1ST Mary, Mother of God – Catholic Christian
Feast Day of St Basil – Orthodox Christian
Shogatsu/Gantan-sai (New Years) – Shinto
Baptism of the Lord Jesus – Christian

5TH Twelfth Night – Christian
Guru Gobindh Singh birthday – Sikh

6TH Epiphany – Christian Dia de los Reyes (Three
Kings Day)
Feast of the Epiphany (Theophany) – Orthodox

7TH Feast of the Nativity – Orthodox Christian

13TH Maghi – Sikh

17TH Blessing of the Animals – Hispanic Catholic

18TH Week of Prayer for Christian Unity begins –

19TH Timkat – Ethiopoian Christian

25th Conversion of St. Paul – Christian

28th Tu B’Shvat – Jewish