Airport chaplaincy has a long and varied history in Australia and New Zealand. The first chaplaincies began in Melbourne and Sydney as part of industrial mission then spread to the other airports around Australia and across the Tasman to Auckland and Christchurch in New Zealand. Since the early 1970’s Australian airport chaplains have regularly attended IACAC conferences and played an active part in the Association hosting a total of five conferences to date. This year the October conference will be the sixth held in Australia and fifth in Melbourne.
Continue reading “Airport Chaplaincy Down Under”President’s Letter | March 2019
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
“In the midst of life we are in death.”
Here’s a challenge for you to consider while you read this article (or scoot straight to the last few paragraphs, if you don’t want to read it all!) where does this verse come from? Old Testament? New Testament? Somewhere else?
This old familiar phrase came to me (as I’m sure it did to many) in the aftermath of the total loss of all 157 souls on board the Ethiopian Airways flight ET 302 from Addis Ababa’s Bole Airport to JKIA Nairobi on Sunday 10 March.
Continue reading “President’s Letter | March 2019”February 2019 Newsletter
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
Yes, this is the February Newsletter, but sent out in early March so that we could include a report of the Executive Board’s meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.
Those who were at the Charlotte Annual Business Meeting will remember that the Exec. Board was mandated to work with the bidding Chaplaincy Team in planning the 2020 IACAC Conference in Nairobi, Kenya (the bid from Nairobi being the only invitation for 2020 received at that time).
Continue reading “February 2019 Newsletter”