A Message from our Treasurer

It has been a great honor and privilege for me to have been Treasurer for the last 10 years and get to know each and every one of you even better because of this position on the Board.  I have seen many different Board members come and go that  I have had the privilege to work with and get to love. This will be my last year on the Board as I will be retiring and looking forward to my next adventure in life. So, I am asking each and every one of you to continue supporting the  new treasurer so that IACAC will continue to grow.

From this Spiritual Journey that I have been on I pray we all continue to listen to one another. Even if we may disagree, we  can learn still from each other. As a member of the Board I am so looking forward to our 52nd Conference in Melbourne. It will be such a pleasure meeting some of our new members of IACAC as well as renewing friendships with those we know so well. Martyn and Mary have been working hard to accommodate everyone with their special requests and I am positive that we will each go home with a new rich legacy of memories and new friendships.

The Board would like to remind members that after three years if we do not hear from you, your membership can be terminated if you have  not maintained your membership dues. This is in accordance with clause 6.14.2 of the constitution. It is very important each and everyone’s dues are paid, not only because  your membership can be terminated, but also because we do have expenses and help to provide support to chaplaincies as well. We are often asked how our dues are used. The Board works to support chaplains, maintain the website, help support the training of new chaplains, attend at the openings of new chapels whenever possible and provide subsidies for chaplains to attend conferences. The Board also visits proposed conference venues to dicuss with the host chaplains their plans and to give advice for their preparations. Board members are supported with a subsidy for their travel to these meetings and for representing the IACAC at for example, the funeral of a member. Cards and flowers are also sent to members as appropriate. We would be grateful if you could let the Board know of any retiring or passing of chaplains so that we could send a card or try to have a representative present.

However  many times through out  the years the Board members have  often returned their Board subsidy for various reasons to help IACAC. Since I have been on the Board, the costs for the maintenance of the association for the board expenses have been minimal.

Our membership has fluctuated over the years and I would love to see as many airport chaplains as possible join IACAC. Let’s continue to support and encourage each other and bring new members to our Association so that it may continue to expand and develop for many more years.

It is with a great deal of sadness that I will finish my term as treasurer in Melbourne. It has been the upmost privilege to have been to so many different countries and conferences since we had it in Indianapolis in 2001. I have made many wonderful friends and have lost a few through the years that I truly miss but I have been truly blessed. I wish my successor the very best.

May the Lord Bless each and every one!

We are so Blessed to have each and every IACAC Member.
