As the war rages in Ukraine, we hope and pray for Peace.
The IACAC being a global body of airport chaplains from a variety of faiths we encourage our members to express and share their prayers and thoughts for peace in Ukraine as well as resources from their traditions such has reflections and statements. We share them as sings of hope in a restored peace in Ukraine.
We understand and respect that these expressions of faith might not resonate with everyone but we hope that you will find here food for you thoughts and spirit.
IACAC members, airport members and friends of the global aviation industry, you are invited to share your messages as a comment bellow. Those comments will be moderated by our Media Officer or our President before they will be published here. Only messages about peace in Ukraine will be accepted. Any hate message or negative comment will be deleted.
Related topic: read the IACAC statement regarding the War in Ukraine
Lord God by your mighty right hand, by you power and authority, bring the war in Ukraine to an end right now. Amen.
We pray for all those on both sides of the Ukraine conflict who have lost loved ones, fathers, mothers, husbands, sons and children, Lord be with them in their grieving – Amen
We pray for all those in positions of political power around the world to work for peace not war. Give each of them wisdom from on high. American en
We pray for all those around the globe who are and will be affected economically by the Ukrainian war, especially the poor and vulnerable. Amen
Peter Dusek – Anglican Chaplain LHR
Chers frères et sœurs
Que notre Seigneur Jesus Christ puisse intervenir en ce moment crucial de crise aiguë et d’invasion de l’Ukraine par la Russie, entraînant des lourdes pertes humaines Et la perturbation de la paix à travers le pays. Nous prions que cesse toutes violences et que la négociation soit d’application. Que Dieu préserve tous ses enfants sans distinction de cette tragédie.
Almighty God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but
the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength
of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples
may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace; to
whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen.
Fr. Greg McBrayer
American Airlines / DFW Airport Chaplaincy
Anglican Church of North America
It’s quite sad and disheartening to hear drums of war in this century ibetween neighbours, Ukraine and Russia.The invasion reminds me of the invasion of Kuwait and Iraq where many lives were lost.As a member of Aviation chaplaincy globally we are not excempted from wars ,terrorist attacks or COVID 19 all manner of attacks that affect us globally.This war between Ukraine and Russia is unfortunate,and a sad event . watching the scenes of immigrants moving across border is disheartening….As a Christian my prayer is that God may intervene and bring order among the warring states….Just like the time of Jesus, when there was turmoil, storms in the sea which threatened the lives of disciples in the boat, Jesus rose up, rebuked the winds,storms and commanded them to be still and be peaceful, may the ressurrectd Christ arise and command the same to happen in Ukraine..My thoughts and prayer is that peace be restored and dialogue be given an opportunity …..
Statement of World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Regarding Russia-Ukraine Crisis
Feb 24, 2022 Press Release
In relation to the Russia-Ukraine crisis, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Caliph, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad has said:
“For many years, I have warned the major powers of the world that they must heed the lessons from history, particularly in relation to the two catastrophic and devastating world wars that took place in the 20th Century. In this regard, in the past, I have written letters to the leaders of various nations urging them to set aside their national and vested interests in order to prioritise the peace and security of the world by adopting true justice at all levels of society. Most regrettably, now a war in Ukraine has started and so the situation has become extremely grave and precarious. Furthermore, it has the potential to escalate even further depending on the next steps of the Russian government and the response of NATO and the major powers. Unquestionably, the consequences of any escalation will be horrific and destructive in the extreme. And so, it is the critical need of the hour that every possible effort is made to avoid further warfare and violence. There is still time for the world to step back from the brink of disaster and so, for the sake of humanity, I urge Russia, NATO and all major powers to concentrate all their efforts on seeking to de-escalate the conflict and working towards a peaceful solution through diplomacy.
As the Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, I can only draw the attention of the world’s political leaders towards prioritising the peace of the world and setting aside their national interests and enmities for the sake of the wellbeing of all mankind. Thus, it is my sincere prayer that the world’s leaders act with sense and wisdom and strive for the betterment of humanity.
I pray that the world leaders strive earnestly to safeguard and protect mankind, both today and in the future, from the torment of warfare, bloodshed and destruction. And so, from the depths of my heart, I pray that the leaders of the major powers and their governments do not take steps that will serve to destroy the future of our children and next generations. Rather, their every effort and motivation should be to ensure that we bequeath to those that follow us a world of peace and prosperity.
I pray that the world’s leaders pay heed to the need of the hour and value, above all else, their obligation to ensure the peace and stability of the world. May Allah the Almighty protect all innocent and defenceless people and may true and lasting peace in the world prevail. Ameen.”
Khalifatul Masih V
Epifaniy of Kyiv
Dear brothers and sisters!
Despite the long, sincere, and persistent efforts of Ukraine and the entire international community, there has been an unprovoked, insidious, cynical attack by Russia and Belarus on Ukraine.
Our common mission is to repel the enemy, to protect our homeland, our future, and the future of the new generations from the tyranny that the attacker seeks to bring with his bayonets.
The truth is on our side. Therefore, the enemy, with the help of God and with the support of the whole civilized world, will be defeated.
Our task now is to unite, to withstand the first blow, not to panic. We believe in God’s providence and the victory of truth. We trust our Armed Forces, our defenders. We pray for all those who are in the front line of the fight against the attacker.
It is extremely important not to succumb to possible internal challenges, to maintain order, to carry out the orders of the state and military authorities of Ukraine.
Where possible, I call on the clergy and the faithful to regularly offer their prayers for Ukraine, for victory, for our soldiers. I bless you to pray with the Akathist Hymn for the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and with other similar prayers.
I call on the international community, all the religious leaders of the world, to support Ukraine, to force Russia and Belarus to stop the attack immediately. I ask all people of goodwill to do this.
Those who have started and are waging an aggressive war against Ukraine should know that according to God’s law and human laws, they are murderers and criminals. And for their crime, they will speak before God and before humanity, without escaping condemnation and punishment.
Dear brothers and sisters!
As Primate of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, I am with you, performing my duties. As the events unfold, I will keep you informed.
“Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today·[…] The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still” (Exodus 14: 13-14).
The Ukrainians are a peaceful people, but strong in spirit and faith. We believe that the violence and weapons that are turned illegally against us today will turn into the wrath of God and a sword against the attacker. For all criminal intentions are known to God, as it is written, “Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.” (Is. 8:10). May the words of the Savior be fulfilled to the instigators of war and to the invaders: “for all who draw the sword will die by the sword.” (Matt. 26:52).
With prayer on our lips, with love for God, for Ukraine, for those around us, we fight against evil – and we will see victory.
I invoke God’s blessing on the Ukrainian state, on the soldiers defending Ukraine, and on all our people!
May the Great God, the One, save Ukraine for us!
† Epifaniy
Metropolitan of Kyiv and All Ukraine (Ecumenical Patriarchate)
February 24, 2022
His Beatitude Onuphry, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, to the faithful and citizens of Ukraine
Dear brothers and sisters! Faithful to our Ukrainian Orthodox Church!
As the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, I address you and all citizens of Ukraine. A disaster has happened. Unfortunately, Russia has launched military operations against Ukraine, and at this fateful time I urge you not to panic, be courageous and to show love for your Motherland and for each other. I urge you, first of all, to intensify repentant prayer for Ukraine, for our army and our people, I ask you to forget mutual strife and misunderstandings and unite in love for God and our Motherland.
In this tragic time, we express our special love and support to our soldiers who stand guard and protect and defend our land and our people. May God bless and keep them!
Defending the sovereignty and integrity of Ukraine, we appeal to the President of Russia and ask him to immediately stop the fratricidal war. The Ukrainian and Russian peoples came out of the Dnieper baptismal font, and the war between these peoples is a repetition of the sin of Cain, who out of envy killed his own brother. Such a war is not justified either by God or by people.
I call on everyone to common sense, which teaches us to solve our earthly problems in mutual dialogue and mutual understanding, and I sincerely hope that God will forgive us our sins and God’s peace will reign on our earth and throughout the world!
Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate)
Standing Committee of the Conference of European Rabbis
“In light of the growing volatility in Eastern Europe, the Standing Committee of the Conference of European Rabbis prays for peace, hoping for a de-escalation of the situation, when nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall they learn war anymore,” the group said.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already caused bloodshed & destruction.
“Nation shall not lift up sword against nation, nor shall they practice war anymore.”
Isaiah’s words ring in our hearts this morning as we pray for the people of Ukraine.
Psalm 133
A Song Of David.
1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!
2 It is like precious oil poured on the head, running down on the beard, running down on Aaron’s beard,
down on the collar of his robe.
3 It is as if the dew of Hermon were falling on Mount Zion.
4 For there the Lord has commanded his blessing: which is life for evermore.
1. Ask God to redeem this situation by drawing many people to Himself. May Ukrainians and Russians discover that Jesus is the only true source of peace, safety, comfort, truth and freedom.
2. Pray that Ukrainians ultimately would hope not in governments, elections or diplomacy, but in Jesus Christ.
3. Ask God to deliver Ukraine from evil. May He have mercy and heal this land. May He give Ukraine peace and the chance to develop as a nation that values truth, justice and freedom, all rooted in the goodness of God.
4. Pray for a culture in which political disagreements don’t lead to hatred or violence.
5. The conflict between Ukraine and Russia can spill over into personal conflict within families, especially when family members live on opposite sides of the border and are influenced by different sides of the “information war.” Pray for unity and a love for one another that supersedes the problems between the countries.
6. Ask God to bless soldiers’ wives and children with peace and safety while their husbands and fathers are gone.
7. Pray for the various world leaders involved in diplomacy over Ukraine.
8. Pray that the church will remain united, even as it faces difficult questions, such as how involved believers ought to be in politics or in armed conflict.
9. Pray for people of faith in the military. This is a challenging time; ask God to guide them as their faith is being tested in new ways.
10. Fears stemming from the conflict come up frequently in conversation. Pray that believers will have many opportunities to explain to their neighbors and friends the reason for the hope within them, even in this time of trial.
Litany for Peace in Ukraine
We stand before you in prayer, O Lord:
Silence may be kept
We pray for the safety of those in danger of armed conflict in Ukraine: comfort the fearful and strengthen the weak, O Lord, and hold your embrace in all those who face suffering and oppression: Have mercy, Lord Jesus.
We pray for all who bear the burden and privilege of leadership at this time: be with the leaders of Russia, Ukraine, NATO, the European Union and all those in authority, O Lord. Grant them the gift of wisdom and resolve in the search for a swift resolution to this crisis, and the will to work for reconciliation and lasting peace: Have mercy, Lord Jesus.
We pray for the safety of the armed forces, police and emergency services, and all who uphold the sovereignty, safety and public order of Ukraine: protect them from danger, O Lord, give them courage when facing unknown dangers: Have mercy, Lord Jesus.
We pray for religious and community leaders, and those committed to promoting peace: raise up peace-makers and peace-keepers, O Lord, and foster in the hearts of all the longing for reconciliation that is the root of lasting peace: Have mercy, Lord Jesus.
We pray for the future security of our world: grant us a spirit of tolerance and mutual respect, O Lord, and equip us to work for peace and freedom, for justice and the rule of law, that together we might go forward with confidence and hope: Have mercy, Lord Jesus.
We commit ourselves to bring healing and transformation to the world,
and to foster a common vision of peace:
Lord God, help us to know that goodness is stronger than evil,
love is stronger than hate, light is stronger than darkness, life is stronger than death,
and that victory is ours through the One who loved us so much,
that he gave his life for his friends, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
May Almighty God bless and keep us, guard our bodies,
save our souls and bring us safely to the heavenly country,
our eternal home, where he reigns forever. Amen.
St Paul’s Anglican Cathedral
Melbourne Australia
Sydney Anglican Diocese
The world is dismayed, though perhaps not surprised, to find that Russia has illegally invaded Ukraine in an act of unprovoked and unjustified aggression. We fear that the toll on the brave people of Ukraine will be heartrending and dreadful. The world has had to engage in defensive action to protect the innocent and to contain aggressors in the past.
We must pray for the government and people of Ukraine, the people of Russia who live under an authoritarian regime, for the leaders of the world that they will respond with wisdom and courage and for the restraint of evil and the restoration of peace, with justice
Psalm 10 says “Arise, LORD! Lift up your hand, O God. Do not forget the helpless.”
And so we ask –
Sovereign Lord, you observe all those who dwell on earth. Have mercy we pray on those who now suffer the miseries of a war not of their own making. Have compassion on the wounded and dying; comfort the broken-hearted; confound the hatred and madness of those who make war; guide our rulers, bring war to an end, bring peace across the world. Unite us all under the reign of your Son, the Prince of Peace, before whose judgement seat the rulers of the world will give account, and in whose name we pray. Amen.
Archbishop Kanishka Raffel,
Sydney, February 24, 2022
Anglican Church of Australia
A Prayer for Ukraine
Holy and Gracious God
We pray for the people of the Ukraine and the people of Russia; for their countries and their leaders.
We pray for all those who are afraid; that your everlasting arms hold them in this time of great fear.
We pray for all those who have the power over life and death; that they will choose for all people life, and life in all its fullness.
We pray for those who choose war; that they will remember that you direct your people to turn our swords into ploughshares and seek for peace.
We pray for leaders on the world stage; that they are inspired by the wisdom and courage of Christ.
Above all, Lord, today we pray for peace for Ukraine.
And we ask this in the name of your blessed Son.
Lord have mercy.
Methodist Church of the United Kingdom
Nous prions encore que le Seigneur notre Dieu accorde la sagesse et le discernement aux chefs des nations, une conclusion honorable et rapide aux hostilités, et qu’il accorde la guérison à tous ceux qui souffrent, ainsi que la consolation et l’espoir ; nous te prions, Seigneur, écoute-nous et aie pitié de nous.
Nous te prions encore, Dieu tout-puissant et miséricordieux, toi qui nous as commandé par ton Fils bien-aimé d’aimer nos ennemis et de faire le bien à ceux qui nous haïssent, de prier pour ceux qui nous veulent du mal ; écoute notre supplication et attendris le cœur des belligérants, arrête la main de la violence, accorde la consolation et l’espoir aux peuples qui souffrent de la violence et guide-nous sur la voie de la charité, afin que ton Nom puisse être glorifié ; écoute notre prière fervente, Seigneur miséricordieux, et aie pitié de nous.
Nous te prions encore, Seigneur Dieu, Dieu de notre salut, le Seigneur qui seul fait des merveilles, jette ton regard sur nous en ces temps de trouble, et par ton amour pour l’humanité, guéris les blessures des peuples et mène-nous sur le chemin d’une réconciliation honorable, juste et durable, accordant à nous et à tous les peuples, ta paix qui n’est pas de ce monde ; entends-nous, nous te prions, Seigneur, et accorde-nous ta grande miséricorde.