During the Paris Conference in 2016 Major Peter Hawkins presented a workshop on the skills and competencies that could be required for an airport chaplain. The Board, led by Vice President Pierre de Mareuil, has continued to work on defining those skills and competencies. At the bottom if this article there is a download-link to the most recent version of that work. The original list of 60 has been grouped into two categories; Character and Competencies.
Character which is related to one’s own natural ablities and personal experiences
Competencies which can be acquired through training and education.
Practices for chaplaincies and airport chaplains vary from country to country and indeed from airport to airport. It is not the role of IACAC to to determine what should be required from every chaplain, chaplaincy or airport. It is up to each chaplaincy to decide what is essential or desirable within their local context. This document has attempted to collect best practice from our chaplaincies, investigate experiences from other areas of chaplaincy and offer suggestions on what could be defined as a good standard of competencies for an airport chaplain.
The next step is the cataloguing of resources and training materials. We already have a number of materials but if you have any specific training resources which you are willing to share, we would love to receive them.
The most important part of this process is your contribution. Any feedback, comments or suggestions on how we can improve this document and add to our resources will be greatly appreciated. Time will also be set aside at the Annual Business Meeting for discussion.