Hi my Dear Friends,
We want to share some amazing news from Melbourne. A contract has been signed today for chaplaincy to continue in the airport for the next five years. I have been offered the full time role as Coordinating Chaplain and the whole team will be moving across to the new provider. Unfortunately I have to resign as a Salvation Army Officer but I am okay with this because I am so excited about the new chapter that is about to start.
Blessings to all in what has and is such strange times and yet we have this awesone privilege to journey with people who are doing it so tough.
Major Martyn Scrimshaw.
Dear friends and Colleagues!
Tomorrow is my last day as an Airport Chaplain at Göteborg Landvetter
Airport. I´m so glad and thankful for IACAC NEWSLETTER almost 20 years. I´m also a little bit sad that I need to finish, but I can´t find out how to work with all the changes my vicar made. But God is good and I´ve found and got another nice job as a director and priest
in the Moravian Church in Göteborg. I will start the 1st of January.
As some of you know I had hip surgery on 4th of September. I´ve recovered very well and got a lot of help from our youngest daughter Klara. She has soon finished her education to be a physiotherapist. Thank for friendship, support and prayers! I´m also thankful for all years as a member of IACAC. My new e-mail address: mats@ebfgbg.se and new mobile +46 (0)708 261655
I wish you all a graceful Advent!
Dear IACAC Chaplains
On behalf of the Gatwick Airport Chaplaincy team, I want to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and hopefully, in the New Year, a revival of our aviation industry worldwide? Just thought you might like to see this short Gatwick Airport Christmas ad, which I was asked to help with. Hopefully it’s a bit of fun to brighten up your day?
Many Congratulations to Martyn and Mary, and the Melbourne Chaplaincy Team, for the wonderful news of your new 5 year future. What an answer to prayer and all your hard work has been valued and justified.
God Bless everyone.
Canon Jonathan Baldwin SMMS
From Fr Gabriel Feyisetan in Lagos: How are you all doing and Merry Christmas and prosperous New Year, we thank God for his love and protection and especially at this delicate time. May God protect you and guide you all and the coming year be glorious and gracious and may God help us to put an end to the Corona virus pandemic in our world and grant us peace in the world. Greetings to everyone. God bless you all
Chers amis,
En cette période de Noël, nous souhaitons exprimer nos meilleurs voeux à chacun d’entre vous pour le travail que vous menez dans les aumôneries des aéroports. Soyez assurés de notre souvenir dans la prière dans un temps qui nous reconduit vers ce qui est vraiment important. Nous sommes en effet appelés à témoigner de la Vie accomplie dans un Enfant, qui ne naît pas comme un Dieu venu à résoudre tous nos problèmes mais qui vient à aimer chacun de nous et à être aimé.
Mgr. Segundo Tejado Muñoz, Sous-Secrétaire –
Section Personne et Société
Mme Alessandra Silvi, Officier, Section Personne et
Société – Vulnérabilité et Mobilité
Dear Friends,
During this Christmas season, we wish to express our best wishes to each one of you for the work that you are carrying out at your airport chaplaincies. Be assured of our prayerful wishes during a time which brings us back to what is truly important. We are in fact called to give witness to the real Fulfillment of life, offered us in a Baby, who is not born as a God solving all of our problems but who comes to love each one of us and to be loved.
Msgr. Segundo Tejado Muñoz, Undersecretary –
Person and Society Section
Ms. Alessandra Silvi, Officer, Person and Society
Section – Vulnerability and Mobility Area