* Paris CDG are excited to welcome a new chaplain to the team, Ilena Hatton, daughter of Anniel Hatton who was a chaplain at Orly until her retirement. We apologise for the incorrect spelling of Ilena’s name in the August Newsletter but again say how please we are to welcome her to airport chaplaincy.
* Stansted Airport has also been very pleased to welcome a new chaplain. The Rev Rod Reid has joined their team. We extend to him a very warm welcome and look forward to the time that we can meet him in person. Maybe at the London Conference next year.
* As mentioned in the August Newsletter, work is underway to establish a chaplaincy at Launcestan Airport in Tasmania, Australia. Gus Yearsley from Hobart Airport is leading the team to find and train a chaplain to take up the position. This is great news for the development of more chaplaincies in Australia.
* Howie Adan wrote from Amsterdam where he is now living. He hopes and trust you are all well and staying healthy. He finished at Heathrow last October and has been taking a purposed ‘breather’ from all things airport chaplaincy. Recently he returned to LHR for a proper farewell in the new Runway Bar at the Hilton, 14 floors up in the middle of the airport. Howie has begun work as a consultant for Kenyon International, and is looking forward to being more involved with their world-wide emergency response activities. Maybe one day he might end up back at an airport. He is looking forward to reconnecting with the aiport chaplaincy community.