The Executive Board has established a Subsidy Fund to assist people to attend the Annual Conference by contributing towards the cost of the Conference Fee. Subsidies cannot be granted to assist with the cost of travel, or towards any of the cost of the Post Conference Tour.
In order to ensure fair distribution of the Fund those applying must do so on the Form provided on request from the Secretary. An application must be supported by reference from a senior church person to whom the applicant is responsible, this person endorsing their support with a letter of confirmation.
Applications must be submitted to the President by the 13th June to allow time for the Board to consider all applications and fair distribution from the Fund. The names of applicants and the decision of the Board shall be confidential. Applications received after the closing date may not be considered.
The Subsidy Fund is available to all active members of the Association, providing that their subscription (dues) is up to date. At the discretion of the Executive Board, consideration may be given to those whose Application for Membership is to be considered at the Annual Business Meeting to be held during that Conference.
A Subsidy granted to an active member is for that member only and is not transferable.
Only one Subsidy is usually granted per Chaplaincy, although if funds are available the Board may, at their discretion, waive this Clause.
A person receiving assistance from the Fund may not receive a Subsidy for another 2 years (third conference) .
Financial support received direct from the Conference Organisers, and not via the Subsidy Fund shall be deemed to be a Subsidy