A Message from our Treasurer

In 2009 I was elected Treasurer of this wonderful organization. It has been a great honor and privilege to get to know each and every one of you even better by being in this position on the board. I also have had the privilege to work with many different members of the Board and get to know and love them. This is my last year on the Board as I will be retiring and looking forward to my next adventure in life. So, I am asking each and every one of you to give your support to a new Treasurer to help the organization continue to grow.

I am looking forward to building my fellowship in Melbourne in October this year and I cannot wait tohear more of your stories about your work. I have learned so much from airport chaplains from so many different countries, faiths and denominations. I pray that during the spiritual journey which we are all taking we continue to listen to one another even if we may disagree. We still can learn so much from each other. I am positive that we will each go home with a new rich legacy of memories and new friendships.

The Board would like to remind members that after one year’s grace, if we do not hear from you and you do not maintain your membership dues, your membership can be terminated. This is in accordance with clause 6.14.2 of the constitution. It is very important each and everyone’s dues are paid, not only because we want you as member, but because we do have expenses and to provide for support through the subsidy fund to chaplains as well. Our dues help support the training, attandance at the openings of new chapels, visits by Board members to chaplaincies and so much more. Most of the board officers are subsided either by their church or pay for themselves. It is estimated that if the Association was meeting these costs it could be up to an additional $10000 USD yearly. Some of the expenses that are paid by board officers themselves include: office supplies, printing of Board materials, web-site expenses , media expenses, additional traveling to help, for example an existing Chapel needing IACAC’s Support, pre-travel/arrangements to prepare for the forthcoming IACAC conferences, support Board members and/or represent the Board, as an example, at the funeral of a member. In Addition, many times through the years members of the Board have returned their Board travel subsidy to help IACAC build up its funds. Since I have been on the board I have realized that this has helped to keep the costs for the maintenance of the Association to a minimal amount.

Over the years our membership has fluctated and I would love to see other new members join IACAC. As I was looking at the members and where they are from it seems to me that the London Airports and Paris are trying to compete with one another on how many members they have in our organization. Let’s continue to support and encourage each other and bring new members to our association so that it may continue to expand and develop for another 50 years.

I have had the utmost privilege to have been to so many different countries and conferences since we held the conference in Indianapolis in 2001. I have made many wonderful friends and have lost a few through the years that I truly miss but I have been truly blessed by my membership of IACAC.

May you be blessed in everything you do and say, especially as you meet people along the way and represent IACAC to the world.

Prayers and Blessings